IL-10 Implications in Psoriasis


Abstract: Interleukin (IL)-10 is a pluripotent cytokine with effects on numerous cell populations, in particular circulating and
resident immune cells as well as epithelial cells. With its potent immunoregulatory capacities, its main biological function seems
to be the limitation and termination of inammatory responses. Hence, its low level expression found in psoriasis may have
pathophysiological relevance to this immune disease. Remarkably, the induction of IL-10 expression was found by conventional
antipsoriatic therapies, supporting the hypothesis that it may be a key cytokine in psoriasis. Furthermore, the rst use in clinical
trials in patients with established psoriasis showed that it had moderate antipsoriatic effects and was well tolerated. Moreover,
long-term application in psoriatic patients in remission showed that it decreases the incidence of relapse and prolongs the
disease free interval. The IL-10 antipsoriatic activity is suggested to be due to the effects on different cell populations, including
antigen presenting cells and T-cells (type 1 / type 2 balance shift), but not through direct effects on keratinocytes. In conclusion,
IL-10 seems to have major clinical and therapeutic implications in psoriasis. Further multicenter, placebo-controlled, double blind
trials are required to be an established antipsoriatic therapy. We can come to the conclusion that IL-10 genetic polymorphism
and expression is potentially a key immune marker in psoriasis.
Al-Robaee, A. A., Al-Zolibani, A. A., Al-Shobili, H. A., Kazamel, A., & Settin, A. (2008). IL-10 Implications in Psoriasis. International Journal of Health Sciences, 2(1). Retrieved from
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