RSAD2: An exclusive target protein for Zika virus comparative modeling, characterization, energy minimization and stabilization


Objective: The major purpose of the present study was to predict the structure of Radical s-adenosyl-L-methionine Domain 2 (RSAD2), the most targeted protein of the Zika virus using comparative modeling, to validate the models that were generated and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed.
Methods: The secondary structure of RSAD2 was estimated using the GarnierOsguthorpe-Robson, Self-Optimized Prediction method with Alignment, and PositionSpecific Iterative-Blast based secondary structure prediction algorithms. The best of them were preferred based on their DOPE score, then three-dimensional structure identification using SWISS-MODEL and the Protein Homology/Analogy Recognition Engine (Phyre2) server. SAVES 6.0 was used to validate the models, and the preferred model was then energetically stabilized. The model with least energy minimization was used for MD simulations using iMODS.
Results: The model predicted using SWISS-MODEL was determined as the best among the predicted models. In the Ramachandran plot, there were 238 residues (90.8%) in favored regions, 23 residues (8.8%) in allowed regions, and 1 residue (0.4%) in generously allowed regions. Energy minimization was calculated using Swiss PDB viewer, reporting the SWISS-MODEL with the lowest energy (E = −18439.475 KJ/mol) and it represented a stable structure conformation at three-dimensional level when analyzed by MD simulations.
Conclusion: A large amount of sequence and structural data is now available, for
tertiary protein structure prediction, hence implying a computational approach in all the aspects becomes an opportunistic strategy. The best three-dimensional structure of RSAD2 was built and was confirmed with energy minimization, secondary structure validation and torsional angles stabilization. This modeled protein is predicted to play a role in the development of drugs against Zika virus infection.


Comparative modelling Energy Minimization Molecular dynamics protein homology/analogy recognition engine saves 6.0 SWISS-MODEL
Rangisetty, P. T. ., Kilaparthi, A. ., Akula, S., Bhardwaj, M. ., & Singh, S. . (2022). RSAD2: An exclusive target protein for Zika virus comparative modeling, characterization, energy minimization and stabilization. International Journal of Health Sciences, 17(1), 12–17. Retrieved from
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